Sürüm: 3.0
Kodlama Dili: C++
Microsoft Visual C++ Visual Studio 2017 x86
- Aimbot - aim assistance
- Enabled - on / off master switch
- Silent - aimbot is not visible on your screen (client-sided only)
- Friendly fire - treat allies as enemies
- Visible only - aim only on visible players
- Scoped only - aimbot works only when using scope (applies only to sniper rifles)
- Ignore flash - ignore flashbang i.e. aim when local player is flashed
- Ignore smoke - ignore smoke i.e. aim when target is in smoke
- Auto shot - shoot automatically when target found
- Recoil-based fov - aimbot uses recoil as fov origin
- Fov - field-of-view which aimbot operates [0-255]
- Smooth - smooth aimbot movement in order to seem more human-like
- Bone - bone which aimbot aims at
- Recoil control x - horizontal recoil control factor
- Recoil control y - vertical recoil control factor
- Triggerbot - automatically fires when crosshair is on enemy
- Enabled - on / off triggerbot master switch
- On key [ key ] - triggerbot works only when chosen key is being held
- Friendly fire - treat allies as enemies
- Scoped only - triggerbot works only when using scope (applies only to sniper rifles)
- Ignore flash -ignore flashbang i.e. shoot when local player is flashed
- Ignore smoke - ignore smoke i.e. shoot when target is in smoke
- Hitgroup - body parts on which triggerbot works
- Shot delay - delay time in ms (milliseconds)
- Glow - render glow effect on entities
- Enabled - on / off master switch
- Thickness - outline thickness
- Alpha - outline alpha
- Style - glow style [0-3]
- Allies - glow allies entities
- Enemies - glow enemies entities
- Weapons - glow dropped weapons
- C4 - glow dropped C4 explosive
- Planted C4 - glow planted bomb
- Chickens - glow chickens entities
- Chams - color player models to improve visibility
- Enabled - on / off master switch
- Alpha - material transparency
- Material - material applied to model
- Wireframe - render triangle mesh instead of solid material
- Allies - allies chams on / off and color applied to them
- Visible allies - visible allies chams on / off and color applied to them
- Enemies - enemies chams on / off and color applied to them
- Visible enemies - visible enemies chams on / off and color applied to them
- Weapons - view model weapons chams on / off and color applied to them
- Hands - view model hands chams on / off and color applied to them
- Esp - show information about player position
- Enabled - on / off master switch
- Snaplines - draw snaplines to players
- Box - draw 2D box over player model
- Name - draw player name
- Head dot - draw dot on player's head
- Visuals - miscellaneous visual options
- Disable post-processing - disable post-processing effects in order to increase FPS
- Inverse ragdoll gravity - inverse gravitational acceleration on falling player ragdoll corpse (during death sequence)
- No fog - remove fog from map for better visibility
- No 3d sky - remove 3d skybox from map - increases FPS
- No visual recoil - remove visual recoil punch effect
- No hands - remove arms / hands model from first-person view
- No sleeves - remove sleeves model from first-person view
- No weapons - remove weapons model from first-person view
- No smoke - remove smoke grenade effect
- No blur - remove blur
- No scope overlay - remove black overlay while scoping
- Wireframe smoke - render smoke skeleton instead of particle effect
- Flash reduction - reduces flashbang grenade effect [0-100%] (0 - full flash, 100 - no flash)
- View model FOV - change view model FOV [-60-0-60] (0 - actual view model, negative values - decreased view model, positive values - increased view model)
- Brightness - control game brightness [0.0-1.0]
- Skybox - change sky(box)
- World color - set world material ambient light color
- Knife changer - change knife model in first-person view
- Enabled - enable / disable knife changer
- Knife - desired knife model
- Misc - miscellaneous features
- Auto strafe - automatically strafe in air following mouse movement
- Bunny hop - automatically simulate space bar press / release while jump button is being held; increases movement speed
- Clan tag - set custom clan tag
- Animated clan tag - animate clan tag
- Fast duck - remove crouch delay
- Sniper crosshair - draw crosshair while holding sniper rifle
- Recoil crosshair - crosshair follows recoil pattern
- Auto pistol - fire pistols like automatic rifles
- Auto reload - automatically reload if weapon has empty clip
- Auto accept - automatically accept competitive match
- Radar hack - show enemies positions on radar
- Reveal ranks - show player ranks in scoreboard in competitive modes
- Spectator list - show nicknames of players spectating you
- Watermark - show cheat name in upper-left screen corner
- Config - configuration system based on cereal binary serialization
- Create config - create new configuration file
- Reset config - restore default configuration settings (does not touch saved configuration)
- Load selected - load selected configuration file
- Save selected - save selected configuration file
- Delete selected - delete selected configuration file
Windows 7 32-64 Bit: Çalışıyor
Windows 8 32-64 Bit: Çalışıyor
Windows 8.1 32-64 Bit: Çalışıyor
Windows 10 32-64 Bit: Çalışıyor
Download Link: https://bit.ly/2LA4IEG
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