How to recover / restore a hacked Facebook account!

A Facebook account is represented as an identity ... if it is affected by a hacker, this can cause several problems, not only problems with your friends virtually, but rather real problems ... Even if the recovery of a Facebook account is Pretty easy, it can be almost impossible if your account has been hacked by changing its email address, and therefore impossible to retrieve your password using the classic method ... You will discover in this tutorial some methods to recover your Facebook account ...

Let's go!

How to recover a pirated Facebook account

To do this, click on "forgotten password" located below the login area, or open this link:

Facebook gives you 3 possibilities for the recovery of your account ...

I'll explain each one ...

Use his email to retrieve his Facebook:

  After putting your email in the first box, type ENTER ... Then, nothing more difficult ... Check your address and click on "Send codes and connect to ...".

A message containing a link will be sent to your mailbox, open it!

You must click on the link in the received message to validate your request and define a new password ...

And your account has been recovered using your mailbox ... If you do not have access to your mailbox, read on ...

Restore your Facebook without email, using the secret question ...

To do this, open this page: Click on "My account has been hacked".

Click on "You no longer have access to the following items? ".

Put an email address works (not that of the Facebook) ... Click on "Send".

Answer the secret question (Everyone has their own question) ...

And hop ! Put the new password

If you have not set a secret question, you can manually restore your account!

Using his personal data to restore his Facebook:

  The third method is to manually ask Facebook to restore your account ...

And fill in the data, as in the image below ...

There you go ! If this little tutorial helped you to recover your Facebook account, do not hesitate to thank me Otherwise you can ask for help using the comments below!

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