| FURTHER READING Supporting students with dyslexia in secondary schoolsEvery class teacher's guide to removing barriers and raising attainment by Moira Thomson. Published by Routledge. Moira Thomson, an experienced teacher and manager with considerable knowledge of dyslexia, has taken a vast amount of current thinking and up-to-date research and put together this easy-to-follow guide. Whatever their current or previous level of knowledge, all will be able to find something that will enable them to help pupils cope with the various subjects in the best ways possible. Provides practical advice on classroom management generally, with specific guidance for different subjects, including modern languages. Multilingualism, Literacy and DyslexiaEd. Peer and Reid. Several chapters on MFL, including Chapter 24:'Teaching Modern Foreign Languages to Dyslexic Learners: A Scottish Perspective'. by Margaret Crombie and Hilary McColl. Published in association with the British Dyslexia Association by David Fulton Publishers 2000. Dyslexia - Successful Inclusion in the Secondary SchoolEd. Peer and Reid. Chapter 7: 'Dyslexia and the teaching of modern foreign languages', by Margaret Crombie and Hilary McColl. Published with BDA by David Fulton Publishers 2001. Dyslexia and Foreign Language LearningBy Elke Schneider and Margaret Crombie. Published with BDA by David Fulton Publishers 2003. The Routledge Companion to DyslexiaEd. Gavin Reid. See Chapter 23 by Schneider - 'Dyslexia and foreign language learning', Chapter 24 by Mahfoudhi, Elberheri & Everatt - 'Reading and dyslexia in Arabic', and Chapter 25 by Haynes, Ayre, Haynes & Mahfoudhi - 'Reading and reading disabilities in Spanish and Spanish-English contexts. Published by Routledge, 2009 Dyslexia in Different Languages Ed. Nata Goulandris, published by Whurr 2003. The languages researched are German, Dutch, Greek, Polish, Russian, Swedish, French, Norwegian, Hebrew, Indian languages, Japanese languages and Chinese, as well as difficulties faced by bilingual children. (Source: Dyslexia On-line Journal)
Dyslexia in the foreign language classroomJoanna Nijakowska, published by Multilingual Matters, Bristol (2010) Inclusive Language Education and Digital Technology Eds. Vilar Beltrán, E., Abbott, C. and Jones, J., published by Multilingual Matters, Bristol (2013)
All the books listed above can be obtained from Amazon and most good bookshops.
See also: Dyslexia and foreign language learning: What's the problem? Margaret Crombie (2010) This item appears in Language Learning and Dyslexia: Symposium proceedings 15th February 2008 (pp 108-118), published by the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies (see General Links, below) | |
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